Migraine Relief

For temporary relief of symptoms: migraine headache, sick, throbbing, or occipital headache, nausea, light sensitivity, heavy feeling in head, band feeling around head, morning headache, sun headache, pain over half the head.


“I have never had such a fast recovery from ocular migraines.” I had an ocular migraine come on, which began with nausea and blocked my vision with a sick headache. I was near a health food store and they recommended your product Dr. King’s Migraine Relief™. I was not sure if I would make it home before I got sick or lost all of my vision, so I quickly opened the package in the parking lot and sprayed it into my mouth. I was hoping to get home before losing my vision. To my surprise and extreme joy, by the time I got home the vision blocking had disappeared and my nausea was gone. I was able to do my computer work without any problems. I have never had such a fast recovery from ocular migraines. I am recommending your product to everyone. M. Adams, OH



  • Initially, depress pump until primed.
  • Spray one dose directly into mouth.
  • Adults: 3 sprays 3 times per day.
  • Children ages 6-12: 2 sprays 3 times per day.
  • Consult a physician for use in children under 6 years of age.
  • Use additionally as needed, up to 6 times per day.


Drug Facts
Active ingredients Purpose†
Equal volumes of each HPUS** ingredient in 10X, 30X, and 1LM potencies.
Gelsemium sempervirens…………band feeling around head
Glonoinum…………throbbing headache, sun headache
Iris versicolor…………sick headache
Kali carbonicum…………sensitivity to light
Lycopodium clavatum…………headache
Natrum muriaticum…………migraine or morning headache
Niccolum metallicum…………migraine-induced nausea
Nux vomica…………migraine headache
Sanguinaria canadensis…………periodic sick headache
Secale cornutum…………congestive headache
Spigelia anthelmia…………pain over half of the head
Sulphur…………occipital headache
**“HPUS” indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.